




Rövid leírás:

A dpkg-checkbuilddeps linux parancs manual oldala és súgója. A dpkg-checkbuilddeps program ellenőrzi a rendszerben telepített csomagokat a vezérlőfájlban felsorolt függőségekkel és konfliktusokkal szemben. Ha valamelyik nem teljesül, megjeleníti őket, és kilép egy nullától eltérő visszatérési kóddal. Alapértelmezés szerint az ellenőrző fájl beolvasásra kerül, de a parancssorban megadható egy másik ellenőrző fájlnév is.



Man oldal kimenet

man dpkg-checkbuilddeps
dpkg-checkbuilddeps(1)                      dpkg suite                     dpkg-checkbuilddeps(1)

       dpkg-checkbuilddeps - check build dependencies and conflicts

       dpkg-checkbuilddeps [option...]  [control-file]

       This  program  checks  the installed packages in the system against the build dependencies
       and build conflicts listed in the control file. If any are not met, it displays  them  and
       exits with a nonzero return code.

       By  default, debian/control is read, but an alternate control filename may be specified on
       the command line.

              Change the location of the dpkg database (since dpkg 1.14.0).  The default location
              is /var/lib/dpkg.

       -A     Ignore  Build-Depends-Arch and Build-Conflicts-Arch lines (since dpkg 1.16.4).  Use
              when only arch-indep packages will be built, or combine with -B when only a  source
              package is to be built.

       -B     Ignore  Build-Depends-Indep and Build-Conflicts-Indep lines. Use when only arch-dep
              packages will be built, or combine with -A when only a  source  package  is  to  be

       -I     Ignore  built-in  build  depends  and  conflicts  (since  dpkg  1.18.2).  These are
              implicit dependencies that are usually required on a specific distribution, the  so
              called Build-Essential package set.

       -d build-depends-string

       -c build-conflicts-string
              Use  the  given  build  dependencies/conflicts  instead  of  those contained in the
              debian/control file (since dpkg 1.14.17).

       -a arch
              Check build dependencies/conflicts assuming  that  the  package  described  in  the
              control  file  is  to  be  built  for  the  given  host architecture instead of the
              architecture of the current system (since dpkg 1.16.2).

       -P profile[,...]
              Check build dependencies/conflicts assuming  that  the  package  described  in  the
              control  file  is  to  be built for the given build profile(s) (since dpkg 1.17.2).
              The argument is a comma-separated list of profile names.

       -?, --help
              Show the usage message and exit.

              Show the version and exit.

              If set, it will be used as the active build profile(s) for the package being built.
              It is a space separated list of profile names. Overridden by the -P option.

              Sets  the  color mode (since dpkg 1.18.5).  The currently accepted values are: auto
              (default), always and never.

              If set, it will be used to decide whether to activate Native Language Support, also
              known  as internationalization (or i18n) support (since dpkg 1.19.0).  The accepted
              values are: 0 and 1 (default).

1.19.7                                      2019-06-03                     dpkg-checkbuilddeps(1)



Súgó kimenet

dpkg-checkbuilddeps --help
Usage: dpkg-checkbuilddeps [<option>...] [<control-file>]

  -A             ignore Build-Depends-Arch and Build-Conflicts-Arch.
  -B             ignore Build-Depends-Indep and Build-Conflicts-Indep.
  -I             ignore built-in build dependencies and conflicts.
  -d build-deps  use given string as build dependencies instead of
                 retrieving them from control file
  -c build-conf  use given string for build conflicts instead of
                 retrieving them from control file
  -a arch        assume given host architecture
  -P profiles    assume given build profiles (comma-separated list)
                 change the administrative directory.
  -?, --help     show this help message.
      --version  show the version.

<control-file> is the control file to process (default: debian/control).


Kapcsolódó tartalom
