Verziószám: 3.1.0
Rövid leírás:
A glances linux parancs manual oldala és súgója. A glances egy platform-független curses-alapú rendszerfigyelő eszköz, amelynek célja, hogy a lehető legtöbb információt bemutassa a legkisebb helyen, ideális esetben illeszkedjen egy klasszikus 80x24-es vagy annál nagyobb felbontású terminálhoz, a többlet információk megjelenítése érdekében. Dinamikusan képes adaptálni a megjelenített információkat a terminál méretétől függően. Kliens / szerver módban is működhet. A távfelügyelet elvégezhető terminálon vagy webes felületen keresztül is. A glances Pythonban van megírva, és a psutil függvénykönyvtár segítségével gyűjti össze az információkat a rendszerből.
A parancs használatához telepíteni kell a glances csomagot.
Man oldal kimenet
man glances
GLANCES(1) Glances GLANCES(1) <<<<<<< HEAD ======= GLANCES(1) Glances GLANCES(1) >>>>>>> master NAME glances - An eye on your system SYNOPSIS glances [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION glances is a cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool which aims to present a max‐ imum of information in a minimum of space, ideally to fit in a classical 80x24 termi‐ nal or higher to have additional information. It can adapt dynamically the displayed information depending on the terminal size. It can also work in client/server mode. Remote monitoring could be done via terminal or web interface. glances is written in Python and uses the psutil library to get information from your system. OPTIONS COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS -h, --help show this help message and exit -V, --version show program’s version number and exit -d, --debug enable debug mode -C CONF_FILE, --config CONF_FILE path to the configuration file -modules-list display modules (plugins & exports) list and exit --disable-plugin PLUGIN disable PLUGIN (comma separated list) --stdout PLUGINS_STATS display stats to stdout (comma separated list of plugins/plugins.attribute) --export EXPORT enable EXPORT module (comma separated list) --export-csv-file EXPORT_CSV_FILE file path for CSV exporter --export-json-file EXPORT_JSON_FILE file path for JSON exporter --disable-process disable process module (reduce Glances CPU consumption) --disable-webui disable the Web UI (only the RESTful API will respond) --light, --enable-light light mode for Curses UI (disable all but top menu) -0, --disable-irix task’s CPU usage will be divided by the total number of CPUs -1, --percpu start Glances in per CPU mode -2, --disable-left-sidebar disable network, disk I/O, FS and sensors modules -3, --disable-quicklook disable quick look module -4, --full-quicklook disable all but quick look and load -5, --disable-top disable top menu (QuickLook, CPU, MEM, SWAP and LOAD) -6, --meangpu start Glances in mean GPU mode --enable-history enable the history mode --disable-bold disable bold mode in the terminal --disable-bg disable background colors in the terminal --enable-process-extended enable extended stats on top process -c CLIENT, --client CLIENT connect to a Glances server by IPv4/IPv6 address, hostname or hostname:port -s, --server run Glances in server mode --browser start the client browser (list of servers) --disable-autodiscover disable autodiscover feature -p PORT, --port PORT define the client/server TCP port [default: 61209] -B BIND_ADDRESS, --bind BIND_ADDRESS bind server to the given IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname --username define a client/server username --password define a client/server password --snmp-community SNMP_COMMUNITY SNMP community --snmp-port SNMP_PORT SNMP port --snmp-version SNMP_VERSION SNMP version (1, 2c or 3) --snmp-user SNMP_USER SNMP username (only for SNMPv3) --snmp-auth SNMP_AUTH SNMP authentication key (only for SNMPv3) --snmp-force force SNMP mode -t TIME, --time TIME set refresh time in seconds [default: 3 sec] -w, --webserver run Glances in web server mode (bottle lib needed) --cached-time CACHED_TIME set the server cache time [default: 1 sec] open-web-browser try to open the Web UI in the default Web browser -q, --quiet do not display the curses interface -f PROCESS_FILTER, --process-filter PROCESS_FILTER set the process filter pattern (regular expression) --process-short-name force short name for processes name --hide-kernel-threads hide kernel threads in process list (not available on Windows) -b, --byte display network rate in byte per second --diskio-show-ramfs show RAM FS in the DiskIO plugin --diskio-iops show I/O per second in the DiskIO plugin --fahrenheit display temperature in Fahrenheit (default is Celsius) --fs-free-space display FS free space instead of used --theme-white optimize display colors for white background --disable-check-update disable online Glances version ckeck INTERACTIVE COMMANDS The following commands (key pressed) are supported while in Glances: ENTER Set the process filter NOTE: On macOS please use CTRL-H to delete filter. Filter is a regular expression pattern: • gnome: matches all processes starting with the gnome string • .*gnome.*: matches all processes containing the gnome string a Sort process list automatically • If CPU >70%, sort processes by CPU usage • If MEM >70%, sort processes by MEM usage • If CPU iowait >60%, sort processes by I/O read and write A Enable/disable Application Monitoring Process b Switch between bit/s or Byte/s for network I/O B View disk I/O counters per second c Sort processes by CPU usage d Show/hide disk I/O stats D Enable/disable Docker stats e Enable/disable top extended stats E Erase current process filter f Show/hide file system and folder monitoring stats F Switch between file system used and free space g Generate graphs for current history h Show/hide the help screen i Sort processes by I/O rate I Show/hide IP module l Show/hide log messages m Sort processes by MEM usage M Reset processes summary min/max n Show/hide network stats N Show/hide current time p Sort processes by name q|ESC|CTRL-C Quit the current Glances session Q Show/hide IRQ module r Reset history R Show/hide RAID plugin s Show/hide sensors stats t Sort process by CPU times (TIME+) T View network I/O as combination u Sort processes by USER U View cumulative network I/O w Delete finished warning log messages W Show/hide Wifi module x Delete finished warning and critical log messages z Show/hide processes stats 0 Enable/disable Irix/Solaris mode Task’s CPU usage will be divided by the total number of CPUs 1 Switch between global CPU and per-CPU stats 2 Enable/disable left sidebar 3 Enable/disable the quick look module 4 Enable/disable all but quick look and load module 5 Enable/disable top menu (QuickLook, CPU, MEM, SWAP and LOAD) 6 Enable/disable mean GPU mode / Switch between process command line or command name In the Glances client browser (accessible through the --browser command line argu‐ ment): ENTER Run the selected server UP Up in the servers list DOWN Down in the servers list q|ESC Quit Glances CONFIGURATION No configuration file is mandatory to use Glances. Furthermore a configuration file is needed to access more settings. LOCATION NOTE: A template is available in the /usr{,/local}/share/doc/glances (Unix-like) direc‐ tory or directly on GitHub. You can put your own glances.conf file in the following locations: ┌─────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐ │Linux, SunOS │ ~/.config/glances, /etc/glances │ ├─────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │*BSD │ ~/.config/glances, /usr/lo‐ │ │ │ cal/etc/glances │ ├─────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │macOS │ ~/Library/Application Sup‐ │ │ │ port/glances, /usr/lo‐ │ │ │ cal/etc/glances │ ├─────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤ │Windows │ %APPDATA%\glances │ └─────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ • On Windows XP, %APPDATA% is: C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data. • On Windows Vista and later: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming. User-specific options override system-wide options and options given on the command line override either. SYNTAX Glances reads configuration files in the ini syntax. A first section (called global) is available: [global] # Does Glances should check if a newer version is available on PyPI? check_update=true Each plugin, export module and application monitoring process (AMP) can have a sec‐ tion. Below an example for the CPU plugin: [cpu] disable=false user_careful=50 user_warning=70 user_critical=90 iowait_careful=50 iowait_warning=70 iowait_critical=90 system_careful=50 system_warning=70 system_critical=90 steal_careful=50 steal_warning=70 steal_critical=90 an InfluxDB export module: [influxdb] # Configuration for the --export influxdb option # https://influxdb.com/ host=localhost port=8086 user=root password=root db=glances prefix=localhost #tags=foo:bar,spam:eggs or a Nginx AMP: [amp_nginx] # Nginx status page should be enable (https://easyengine.io/tutorials/nginx/status-page/) enable=true regex=\/usr\/sbin\/nginx refresh=60 one_line=false status_url=http://localhost/nginx_status With Glances 3.0 or higher it is also possible to use dynamic configuration value us‐ ing system command. For example, if you to set the prefix of an InfluxDB export to the current hostname, use: [influxdb] ... prefix=`hostname` Or if you want to add the Operating System name as a tag: [influxdb] ... tags=system:`uname -a` LOGGING Glances logs all of its internal messages to a log file. DEBUG messages can been logged using the -d option on the command line. By default, the glances-USERNAME.log file is under the temporary directory: ┌────────┬────────┐ │*nix │ /tmp │ ├────────┼────────┤ │Windows │ %TEMP% │ └────────┴────────┘ • On Windows XP, %TEMP% is: C:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Temp. • On Windows Vista and later: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp. If you want to use another system path or change the log message, you can use your own logger configuration. First of all, you have to create a glances.json file with, for example, the following content (JSON format): { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": "False", "root": { "level": "INFO", "handlers": ["file", "console"] }, "formatters": { "standard": { "format": "%(asctime)s -- %(levelname)s -- %(message)s" }, "short": { "format": "%(levelname)s: %(message)s" }, "free": { "format": "%(message)s" } }, "handlers": { "file": { "level": "DEBUG", "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "formatter": "standard", "filename": "/var/tmp/glances.log" }, "console": { "level": "CRITICAL", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "free" } }, "loggers": { "debug": { "handlers": ["file", "console"], "level": "DEBUG" }, "verbose": { "handlers": ["file", "console"], "level": "INFO" }, "standard": { "handlers": ["file"], "level": "INFO" }, "requests": { "handlers": ["file", "console"], "level": "ERROR" }, "elasticsearch": { "handlers": ["file", "console"], "level": "ERROR" }, "elasticsearch.trace": { "handlers": ["file", "console"], "level": "ERROR" } } } and start Glances using the following command line: LOG_CFG=<path>/glances.json glances NOTE: Replace <path> by the folder where your glances.json file is hosted. EXAMPLES Monitor local machine (standalone mode): $ glances Note: The standalone mode is not available on Microsoft Windows (c). Glances will start in Web server mode on this operating system. Monitor local machine with the web interface (Web UI): $ glances -w Monitor local machine and export stats to a CSV file: $ glances –export csv –export-csv-file /tmp/glances.csv Monitor local machine and export stats to a InfluxDB server with 5s refresh time (also possible to export to OpenTSDB, Cassandra, Statsd, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ and Riemann): $ glances -t 5 –export influxdb It is also possible to export stats to multiple endpoints: $ glances -t 5 –export influxdb,statsd,csv Start a Glances server (server mode): $ glances -s Connect Glances to a Glances server (client mode): $ glances -c <ip_server> Connect to a Glances server and export stats to a StatsD server: $ glances -c <ip_server> –export statsd Start the client browser (browser mode): $ glances –browser AUTHOR Nicolas Hennion aka Nicolargo <contact@nicolargo.com> COPYRIGHT 2019, Nicolas Hennion 3.0.2 Sep 29, 2018 GLANCES(1)
Súgó kimenet
glances --help
usage: glances [-h] [-V] [-d] [-C CONF_FILE] [--modules-list] [--disable-plugin DISABLE_PLUGIN] [--disable-process] [--disable-webui] [--light] [-0] [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [--disable-history] [--disable-bold] [--disable-bg] [--enable-irq] [--enable-process-extended] [--export EXPORT] [--export-csv-file EXPORT_CSV_FILE] [--export-json-file EXPORT_JSON_FILE] [--export-graph-path EXPORT_GRAPH_PATH] [-c CLIENT] [-s] [--browser] [--disable-autodiscover] [-p PORT] [-B BIND_ADDRESS] [--username] [--password] [-u USERNAME_USED] [--snmp-community SNMP_COMMUNITY] [--snmp-port SNMP_PORT] [--snmp-version SNMP_VERSION] [--snmp-user SNMP_USER] [--snmp-auth SNMP_AUTH] [--snmp-force] [-t TIME] [-w] [--cached-time CACHED_TIME] [--open-web-browser] [-q] [-f PROCESS_FILTER] [--process-short-name] [--stdout STDOUT] [--stdout-csv STDOUT_CSV] [--hide-kernel-threads] [-b] [--diskio-show-ramfs] [--diskio-iops] [--fahrenheit] [--fs-free-space] [--theme-white] [--disable-check-update] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -V, --version show program's version number and exit -d, --debug enable debug mode -C CONF_FILE, --config CONF_FILE path to the configuration file --modules-list, --module-list display modules (plugins & exports) list and exit --disable-plugin DISABLE_PLUGIN disable plugin (comma separed list) --disable-process disable process module --disable-webui disable the Web Interface --light, --enable-light light mode for Curses UI (disable all but top menu) -0, --disable-irix task's cpu usage will be divided by the total number of CPUs -1, --percpu start Glances in per CPU mode -2, --disable-left-sidebar disable network, disk I/O, FS and sensors modules -3, --disable-quicklook disable quick look module -4, --full-quicklook disable all but quick look and load -5, --disable-top disable top menu (QL, CPU, MEM, SWAP and LOAD) -6, --meangpu start Glances in mean GPU mode --disable-history disable stats history --disable-bold disable bold mode in the terminal --disable-bg disable background colors in the terminal --enable-irq enable IRQ module --enable-process-extended enable extended stats on top process --export EXPORT enable export module (comma separed list) --export-csv-file EXPORT_CSV_FILE file path for CSV exporter --export-json-file EXPORT_JSON_FILE file path for JSON exporter --export-graph-path EXPORT_GRAPH_PATH Folder for Graph exporter -c CLIENT, --client CLIENT connect to a Glances server by IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname -s, --server run Glances in server mode --browser start the client browser (list of servers) --disable-autodiscover disable autodiscover feature -p PORT, --port PORT define the client/server TCP port [default: 61209] -B BIND_ADDRESS, --bind BIND_ADDRESS bind server to the given IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname --username define a client/server username --password define a client/server password -u USERNAME_USED use the given client/server username --snmp-community SNMP_COMMUNITY SNMP community --snmp-port SNMP_PORT SNMP port --snmp-version SNMP_VERSION SNMP version (1, 2c or 3) --snmp-user SNMP_USER SNMP username (only for SNMPv3) --snmp-auth SNMP_AUTH SNMP authentication key (only for SNMPv3) --snmp-force force SNMP mode -t TIME, --time TIME set refresh time in seconds [default: 3 sec] -w, --webserver run Glances in web server mode (bottle needed) --cached-time CACHED_TIME set the server cache time [default: 1 sec] --open-web-browser try to open the Web UI in the default Web browser -q, --quiet do not display the curses interface -f PROCESS_FILTER, --process-filter PROCESS_FILTER set the process filter pattern (regular expression) --process-short-name force short name for processes name --stdout STDOUT display stats to stdout, one stat per line (comma separated list of plugins/plugins.attribute) --stdout-csv STDOUT_CSV display stats to stdout, csv format (comma separated list of plugins/plugins.attribute) --hide-kernel-threads hide kernel threads in process list (not available on Windows) -b, --byte display network rate in byte per second --diskio-show-ramfs show RAM Fs in the DiskIO plugin --diskio-iops show IO per second in the DiskIO plugin --fahrenheit display temperature in Fahrenheit (default is Celsius) --fs-free-space display FS free space instead of used --theme-white optimize display colors for white background --disable-check-update disable online Glances version ckeck Examples of use: Monitor local machine (standalone mode): $ glances Display all Glances modules (plugins and exporters) and exit: $ glances --module-list Monitor local machine with the Web interface and start RESTful server: $ glances -w Glances web server started on Only start RESTful API (without the WebUI): $ glances -w --disable-webui Glances API available on Monitor local machine and export stats to a CSV file (standalone mode): $ glances --export csv --export-csv-file /tmp/glances.csv Monitor local machine and export stats to a InfluxDB server with 5s refresh time (standalone mode): $ glances -t 5 --export influxdb Start a Glances XML/RCP server (server mode): $ glances -s Connect Glances to a Glances XML/RCP server (client mode): $ glances -c <ip_server> Connect Glances to a Glances server and export stats to a StatsD server (client mode): $ glances -c <ip_server> --export statsd Start the client browser (browser mode): $ glances --browser Display stats to stdout (one stat per line): $ glances --stdout now,cpu.user,mem.used,load Display CSV stats to stdout (all stats in one line): $ glances --stdout-csv now,cpu.user,mem.used,load Disable some plugins (any modes): $ glances --disable-plugin network,ports
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