Verziószám: udisks 2.8.1
Fejlesztő/tulajdonos: David Zeuthen
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Az udisksctl linux parancs manual oldala és súgója. Az udisksctl egy parancssori program, amelyet az udisksd daemon interakciójára használnak.
Man oldal kimenet
man udisksctl
UDISKSCTL(1) User Commands UDISKSCTL(1) NAME udisksctl - The udisks command line tool SYNOPSIS udisksctl status udisksctl info {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} udisksctl mount {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--filesystem-type TYPE] [--options OPTIONS...] [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl unmount {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--force] [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl unlock {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--no-user-interaction] [--key-file PATH] udisksctl lock {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl loop-setup --file PATH [--read-only] [--offset OFFSET] [--size SIZE] [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl loop-delete {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl power-off {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl smart-simulate --file PATH {--object-path OBJECT | --block-device DEVICE} [--no-user-interaction] udisksctl monitor udisksctl dump udisksctl help DESCRIPTION udisksctl is a command-line program used to interact with the udisksd(8) daemon process. COMMANDS status Shows high-level information about disk drives and block devices. info Shows detailed information about OBJECT or DEVICE. mount Mounts a device. The device will be mounted in a subdirectory in the /media hierarchy - upon successful completion, the mount point will be printed to standard output. The device will be mounted with a safe set of default options. You can influence the options passed to the mount(8) command with --options. Note that only safe options are allowed - requests with inherently unsafe options such as suid or dev that would allow the caller to gain additional privileges, are rejected. unmount Unmounts a device. This only works if the device is mounted. The option --force can be used to request that the device is unmounted even if active references exists. unlock Unlocks an encrypted device. The passphrase will be requested from the controlling terminal and upon successful completion, the cleartext device will be printed to standard output. lock Locks a device. This only works if the device is a cleartext device backed by a cryptotext device. loop-setup Sets up a loop device backed by FILE. loop-delete Tears down a loop device. power-off Arranges for the drive to be safely removed and powered off. On the OS side this includes ensuring that no process is using the drive, then requesting that in-flight buffers and caches are committed to stable storage. The exact steps for powering off the drive depends on the drive itself and the interconnect used. For drives connected through USB, the effect is that the USB device will be deconfigured followed by disabling the upstream hub port it is connected to. Note that as some physical devices contain multiple drives (for example 4-in-1 flash card reader USB devices) powering off one drive may affect other drives. As such there are not a lot of guarantees associated with performing this action. Usually the effect is that the drive disappears as if it was unplugged. smart-simulate Sets SMART data from the libatasmart blob given by FILE - see /usr/share/doc/libatasmart-devel-VERSION/ for blobs shipped with libatasmart. This is a debugging feature used to check that applications act correctly when a disk is failing. monitor Monitors the daemon for events. dump Prints the current state of the daemon. help Prints help and exit. COMMON OPTIONS The option --no-user-interaction can be used to request that no interaction (such as the user being presented with an authentication dialog) must occur when checking with polkit(8) whether the caller is authorized to perform the requested action. AUDIENCE This program does not assume that the caller is the super user - it is intended to be used by unprivileged users and authorizations are checked by the udisks daemon using polkit(8). Additionally, this program is not intended to be used by scripts or other programs - options/commands may change in incompatible ways in the future even in maintenance releases. See the “API STABILITY” section of udisks(8) for more information. BASH COMPLETION udisksctl ships with a bash completion script to complete commands, objects, block devices and some options. AUTHOR This man page was originally written for UDisks2 by David Zeuthen <zeuthen@gmail.com> with a lot of help from many others. BUGS Please send bug reports to either the distribution bug tracker or the upstream bug tracker at https://github.com/storaged-project/udisks/issues. SEE ALSO udisks(8), udisksd(8), umount.udisks2(8), polkit(8) udisks 2.8.1 August 2018 UDISKSCTL(1)
Súgó kimenet
udisksctl help
Használat: udisksctl COMMAND Commands: help Shows this information info Shows information about an object dump Shows information about all objects status Shows high-level status monitor Monitor changes to objects mount Mount a filesystem unmount Unmount a filesystem unlock Unlock an encrypted device lock Lock an encrypted device loop-setup Set-up a loop device loop-delete Delete a loop device power-off Safely power off a drive smart-simulate Set SMART data for a drive Use "udisksctl COMMAND --help" to get help on each command.
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