



Verziószám: 1.21.6 (Debian 10-ben)

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A cups-browsed Linux parancs manual oldala és súgója.



Man oldal kimenet

man cups-browsed
cups-browsed(8)                                                                                                          cups-browsed(8)

       cups-browsed - A daemon for browsing the Bonjour broadcasts of shared, remote CUPS printers

       cups-browsed [-v | -d | --debug] [-c config-file]
       [-o option=value] [-o 'config file line'] ...
       [--autoshutdown=mode] [--autoshutdown-timeout=timeout]
       [-h | --help | --version]

       cups-browsed has four independently switchable functions:

       1.  Browse Bonjour broadcasts of remote printers and create/remove local raw queues pointing to these printers.

       2.  Browse CUPS broadcasts of remote printers and create/remove local raw queues pointing to these printers.

       3.  Browse an LDAP server for printers and create/remove local raw queues pointing to these printers.

       4.  Broadcast local queues with the CUPS protocol.

       Note that 2. and 4. are only to allow communication with legacy CUPS servers (1.5.x or older) on the remote machine(s). The stan‐
       dard method to broadcast for shared/network printers to broadcast their presence is Bonjour. The CUPS broadcasting/browsing  pro‐
       tocol is deprecated.

       cups-browsed  can  be  run  permanently  (from system boot to shutdown) or on-demand (for example to save resources on mobile de‐
       vices). For running it on-demand an auto-shutdown feature can be activated to let cups-browsed terminate when it  does  not  have
       queues any more to take care of.

       -v, -d, --debug
              Debug mode, verbose logging to stderr

       -l, --logfile
              Debug logging into /var/log/cups/cups-browsed_log file.

       -c config-file
              Uses the alternative configuration file config-file instead of the standard one.

       -o option=value, -o 'config file line'
              Supply  configuration options via the command line. You can supply any line which also could be put into the configuration
              file, but note that due to the spaces the line has to be put into quotes, or for a simple key/value pair the space between
              key  and value can get replaced by '='. If command-line-supplied configuration settings are contradicting with the ones in
              the configuration file, the ones in the configuration file will get used.

              Auto shutdown mode, mode is off for no auto shutdown, on for auto shutdown being active, and  avahi  for  control  by  the
              avahi-daemon  being run on-demand, getting auto-shutdown turned off while avahi-daemon is present and on when avahi-daemon
              is shut down.

              What cups-browsed considers as inactivity for auto-shutdown. inactivity-type set to no-queues  (the  default)  means  that
              auto-shutdown  is  initiated  if  there are no queues generated by cups-browsed any more, no-jobs means that auto-shutdown
              will get initiated if all queues generated by cups-browsed are without jobs.

              timeout tells after how many seconds cups-browsed should shut down if it has no local queues set up for any discovered re‐
              mote printer any more or jobs on these. Default is 30 seconds. 0 means immediate shutdown.

       -h, --help, --version
              Display usage and version info and do not start the daemon.


       SIGINT, SIGTERM: cups-browsed will shutdown.

       SIGUSR1: Switches cups-browsed into permanent mode (no auto shutdown).

       SIGUSR2: Switches cups-browsed into auto shutdown mode.

       Please  take  references  to cups 1.6.x to include newer versions.  Similarly, cups 1.5.x is intended to encompass older versions

       In environments with only cups 1.6.x servers and clients (plus cups-browsed on either server or client or both) the function  de‐
       scribed  in 1.  enables the automatic discovery of remote queues and their display in printing dialogues of applications and with
       command line tools.

       The facility provided by 3. allows printers that are registered in an LDAP server to be added as local queues. CUPS servers 1.5.x
       are  able  to  automatically  register  printers in LDAP. The facility provided by cups-browsed allows a filter string to further
       limit the printers that are browsed from LDAP.

       The facility provided by 4. means that servers running cups 1.6.x plus cups-browsed can broadcast  their  local  queues  so  that
       clients with cups 1.5.x get these queues automatically available. The outcome of 2. is that clients running cups 1.6.x plus cups-
       browsed can use the CUPS broadcasts from servers with cups 1.5.x. As with browsing of Bonjour broadcasts, the created  local  raw
       queues are available to applications and command line tools.



       The authors of cups-browsed are listed in /usr/share/doc/cups-browsed/AUTHORS.

       This manual page was written for the Debian Project, but it may be used by others.

                                                              29 June 2013                                               cups-browsed(8)



Súgó kimenet

sudo cups-browsed --help
cups-browsed of cups-filters version 1.21.6

Usage: cups-browsed [options]
  -c cups-browsed.conf    Set alternative cups-browsed.conf file to use.
  --debug                 Run in debug mode (logging to stderr).
  --logfile               Run in debug mode (logging into file).
  --version               Show this usage message.
  -o Option=Value         Supply configuration option via command line,
                          options are the same as in cups-browsed.conf.
  --autoshutdown=<mode>   Automatically shut down cups-browsed when inactive:
                          <mode> can be set to Off, On, or avahi, where Off
                          means that cups-browsed stays running permanently
                          (default), On means that it shuts down after 30
                          seconds (or any given timeout) of inactivity, and
                          avahi means that cups-browsed shuts down when
                          avahi-daemon shuts down.
  --autoshutdown-timout=<time> Timeout (in seconds) for auto-shutdown.
  --autoshutdown-on=<type> Type of inactivity which leads to an auto-
                          shutdown: If <type> is "no-queues", the shutdown
                          is triggered by not having any cups-browsed-created
                          print queue any more. With <type> being "no-jobs"
                          shutdown is initiated by no job being printed
                          on any cups-browsed-generated print queue any more.
                          "no-queues" is the default.


Kapcsolódó tartalom
