



Verziószám: 0.6.1 (Debian 10-ben)

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A gif2webp linux parancs manual oldala és súgója. A gif2webp parancs a megadott GIF fájlt WebP formátumba tömöríti.

A parancs használatához telepíteni kell a webp csomagot:

sudo apt-get install webp



Man oldal kimenet

man gif2webp
GIF2WEBP(1)                             General Commands Manual                             GIF2WEBP(1)

       gif2webp - Convert a GIF image to WebP

       gif2webp [options] input_file.gif -o output_file.webp

       This manual page documents the gif2webp command.

       gif2webp converts a GIF image to a WebP image.

       The basic options are:

       -o string
              Specify  the  name  of the output WebP file. If omitted, gif2webp will perform conversion
              but only report statistics.  Using "-" as output name will direct output to 'stdout'.

       -h, -help
              Usage information.

              Print the version number (as major.minor.revision) and exit.

       -lossy Encode the image using lossy compression.

       -mixed Mixed compression mode: optimize compression of the image  by  picking  either  lossy  or
              lossless compression for each frame heuristically.

       -q float
              Specify the compression factor for RGB channels between 0 and 100. The default is 75.
              In  case  of  lossless  compression  (default), a small factor enables faster compression
              speed, but produces a larger file. Maximum compression is achieved by using  a  value  of
              In  case of lossy compression (specified by the -lossy option), a small factor produces a
              smaller file with lower quality. Best quality is achieved by using a value of 100.

       -m int Specify the compression method to use. This parameter controls the trade off between  en‐
              coding  speed  and the compressed file size and quality.  Possible values range from 0 to
              6. Default value is 4.  When higher values are used, the encoder will spend more time in‐
              specting  additional  encoding possibilities and decide on the quality gain.  Lower value
              can result is faster processing time at the expense of larger file size  and  lower  com‐
              pression quality.

              Encode  image  to  achieve smallest size. This disables key frame insertion and picks the
              dispose method resulting in smallest output for each frame. It uses lossless  compression
              by default, but can be combined with -q, -m, -lossy or -mixed options.

       -kmin int

       -kmax int
              Specify  the  minimum  and maximum distance between consecutive key frames (independently
              decodable frames) in the output animation. The tool will insert some key frames into  the
              output animation as needed so that this criteria is satisfied.
              A  'kmax'  value of 0 will turn off insertion of key frames. A 'kmax' value of 1 will re‐
              sult in all frames being key frames. 'kmin' value is not taken into account in both these
              special  cases.   Typical  values  are in the range 3 to 30. Default values are kmin = 9,
              kmax = 17 for lossless compression and kmin = 3, kmax = 5 for lossy compression.
              These two options are relevant only for animated  images  with  large  number  of  frames
              When lower values are used, more frames will be converted to key frames. This may lead to
              smaller number of frames required to decode a frame on average, thereby improving the de‐
              coding  performance.  But this may lead to slightly bigger file sizes.  Higher values may
              lead to worse decoding performance, but smaller file sizes.
              Some restrictions:
              (i) kmin < kmax,
              (ii) kmin >= kmax / 2 + 1 and
              (iii) kmax - kmin <= 30.
              If any of these restrictions are not met, they will be enforced automatically.

       -metadata string
              A comma separated list of metadata to copy from the  input  to  the  output  if  present.
              Valid values: all, none, icc, xmp.  The default is xmp.

       -f int For lossy encoding only (specified by the -lossy option). Specify the strength of the de‐
              blocking filter, between 0 (no filtering) and 100 (maximum filtering).  A value of 0 will
              turn  off any filtering. Higher value will increase the strength of the filtering process
              applied after decoding the picture. The higher the value the smoother  the  picture  will
              appear. Typical values are usually in the range of 20 to 50.

       -mt    Use  multi-threading  for  encoding, if possible.  -loop_compatibility If enabled, handle
              the loop information in a compatible fashion for Chrome version prior to M62  (inclusive)
              and Firefox.

       -v     Print extra information.

       -quiet Do not print anything.

       Please report all bugs to the issue tracker:
       Patches  welcome!  See this page to get started:‐

       gif2webp picture.gif -o picture.webp
       gif2webp -q 70 picture.gif -o picture.webp
       gif2webp -lossy -m 3 picture.gif -o picture_lossy.webp
       gif2webp -lossy -f 50 picture.gif -o picture.webp
       gif2webp -q 70 -o picture.webp -- ---picture.gif

       gif2webp is a part of libwebp and was written by the WebP team.
       The latest source tree is available at

       This manual page was written by Urvang Joshi <>, for the  Debian  project  (and
       may be used by others).

       cwebp(1), dwebp(1), webpmux(1)
       Please refer to for additional information.

                                           September 20, 2017                               GIF2WEBP(1)



Súgó kimenet

gif2webp -h
 gif2webp [options] gif_file -o webp_file
  -h / -help ............. this help
  -lossy ................. encode image using lossy compression
  -mixed ................. for each frame in the image, pick lossy
                           or lossless compression heuristically
  -q <float> ............. quality factor (0:small..100:big)
  -m <int> ............... compression method (0=fast, 6=slowest)
  -min_size .............. minimize output size (default:off)
                           lossless compression by default; can be
                           combined with -q, -m, -lossy or -mixed
  -kmin <int> ............ min distance between key frames
  -kmax <int> ............ max distance between key frames
  -f <int> ............... filter strength (0=off..100)
  -metadata <string> ..... comma separated list of metadata to
                           copy from the input to the output if present
                           Valid values: all, none, icc, xmp (default)
  -loop_compatibility .... use compatibility mode for Chrome
                           version prior to M62 (inclusive)
  -mt .................... use multi-threading if available

  -version ............... print version number and exit
  -v ..................... verbose
  -quiet ................. don't print anything


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