Verziószám: 1.09
Fejlesztő/tulajdonos: Steve Slaven
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Az xte linux parancs manual oldala és súgója. Az xte parancs hamis bemenetet generál az XTest kiterjesztés segítségével.
Az xte parancs az xautomation programcsomag része.
Man oldal kimenet
man xte
XTE(1) General Commands Manual XTE(1) NAME xte - Generates fake input using the XTest extension SYNOPSIS xte [options] commands... DESCRIPTION xte is a program that generates fake input using the XTest extension, more reliable than xse. OPTIONS A summary of options is included below. -i id XInput 2.x device to use. List devices with 'xinput list'. -x display Send commands to remote X server. Note that some commands may not work correctly unless the display is on the console, e.g. the display is currently controlled by the keyboard and mouse and not in the background. This seems to be a limitation of the XTest extension. --help, -h Show summary of options. COMMANDS key k Press and release key k keydown k Press key k down keyup k Release key k str string Do a bunch of key X events for each char in string mouseclick i Click mouse button i mousemove x y Move mouse to screen position x, y mousermove x y Move mouse relative from current location by x, y mousedown i Press mouse button i down mouseup i Release mouse button i sleep x Sleep x seconds usleep x Usleep x microseconds SOME USEFUL KEYS These keys are case sensitive. Home Left Up Right Down Page_Up Page_Down End Return BackSpace Tab Escape Delete Shift_L Shift_R Control_L Control_R Meta_L Meta_R Alt_L Alt_R Multi_key Super_L Super_R Depending on your keyboard layout, the "Windows" key may be one of the Super_ keys or the Meta_ keys. SEE ALSO pat2ppm(1), patextract(1), png2pat(1), rgb2pat(1), visgrep(1). AUTHOR xte was written by Steve Slaven <bpk@hoopajoo.net>. LIMITATIONS The str command doesn't support Unicode characters with more than two bytes. Further, character composing sequences to generate special charactes are limited to Multi_key plus two characters. The set of supported characters depends on the current keyboard layout. October 3, 2012 XTE(1)
Súgó kimenet
xte -h
xte v1.09 Generates fake input using the XTest extension, more reliable than xse Author: Steve Slaven - http://hoopajoo.net usage: xte [-h] [-i xinputid] [-x display] [arg ..] -h this help -i XInput2 device to use. List devices with 'xinput list' -x send commands to remote X server. Note that some commands may not work correctly unless the display is on the console, e.g. the display is currently controlled by the keyboard and mouse and not in the background. This seems to be a limitation of the XTest extension. arg args instructing the little man on what to do (see below) if no args are passed, commands are read from stdin separated by newlines, to allow a batch mode Commands: key k Press and release key k keydown k Press key k down keyup k Release key k str string Do a bunch of key X events for each char in string mouseclick i Click mouse button i mousemove x y Move mouse to screen position x,y mousermove x y Move mouse relative from current location by x,y mousedown i Press mouse button i down mouseup i Release mouse button i sleep x Sleep x seconds usleep x uSleep x microseconds Some useful keys (case sensitive) Home Left Up Right Down Page_Up Page_Down End Return BackSpace Tab Escape Delete Shift_L Shift_R Control_L Control_R Meta_L Meta_R Alt_L Alt_R Multi_key Depending on your keyboard layout, the "Windows" key may be one of the Super_ keys or the Meta_ keys. Sample, drag from 100,100 to 200,200 using mouse1: xte 'mousemove 100 100' 'mousedown 1' 'mousemove 200 200' 'mouseup 1'
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